viernes, 22 de junio de 2007


Last Tuesday19, we offered a Press Conference with a largest media covered in Argentina in newspapers, radios, tv, internet, magazines, etc.

Many sponsors, journalists, and VIP guests attended this important event at PANAMERICANO HOTEL, the Official Hotel of the BUENOS AIRES INTERNATIONAL MASTERS SQUASH OPEN 2007.

Daniel San Martin, the Executive Director of this First Class Tournament, was in charge of this presentation. (photo)

Don't miss the opportunity to attend this fabulous tournament in the most exciting city in Latin America: BUENOS AIRES.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2007

Play Squash and Visit Argentina- It's cheap!!

We highly recommend don’t miss the opportunity to visit Argentina before or after play the BUENOS AIRES INTERNATIONAL MASTERS SQUASH OPEN.

Cities like Bariloche, Cataratas del Iguazu, Ushuaia, Mendoza and routes of wines, are some few of multiple destinations that Argentina is offering at very low cost.

Food, Local transportation, Local Airfares, and Hotels are inexpensive in comparison with Europe and USA.

In fact, our Official Hotel, is the HOTEL PANAMERICANO.
This is a five stars hotel, with high-class facilities, with a very low cost, in main cities like Buenos Aires, Bariloche and others.

Please if you need any further information, contact us
We will provide you the hotel contact executives with the special promotions for our foreign players.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2007


Thank you so much for support and attend this event.
Players from all over the world are coming to play this First Class Tournament in Buenos Aires.

Don't miss this opportunity to play squash and visit one of the most exciting cities in the world!!!
In addition, Buenos Aires and Argentina are very cheap to visitors from Europe, USA, and Asia.

For any further information please send an email to